This .410 is AWESOME!

Posted by Gunprime Staff on 06/30/21

We sent the LKCI Rev 410 revolver shotgun to two youtubers for testing. They were asked to shoot it and put it through its paces. What did these guys think of the Rev 410 ( Similar to the Rossi Circuit Judge 410 / 45 LC)?  Is it any good? The verdict is in!

Who_Tee_Who & The Rev 410

This is about to be a really fun video!!!  We love WTW. As you may know this is not the first gun we have sent this Tennessee Gun Man to review. 

Even though 410 ammo is hard to find he managed to find enough ammo to load the 5 shot cylinder a few times. One may find it funny seeing this towering 6’4” man shoot a 410.  Still, WTH  points out that the 410 gauge is not just for women and children.  He loves it!  In the video he shows how its versatility and its ability to use slugs make it a great choice for activities like deer hunting. Watch the video to get a close up view of the gun and how it works.

Heavy Metal Guns and Outdoors and The Rev 410

Paul got his hands on the Rev 410 first. He called it a “unique shotgun” and seemed pretty impressed. His video is a great overview of the 410 shotgun. If you want to see the detail of the wood and how the gun functions, watch the video below. You will get several up close “shots” of the gun and see him test fire several rounds. Does it work?  Watch the video to find out.  

Overall he seemed very impressed. It handled the 3” magnum slugs well. 

How Popular is the 410?

You may be surprised to learn that “410 bore” is searched more than “20 gauge.” The graph above is from google trends. 

The videos had a higher than average view count on each channel. The Heavy Metal video had 190K views after 2 weeks. That is over 10 times the subscriber count. The channel has about 18K Subscribers. That is a pretty good view rate. 

Who_tee_who’s Rev 410 Video has over 88K views and has been live for just over 24 hours as of the time this post was published.   Who would have thought that a 410 shotgun from Turkey would have been this popular?  

They mention using the 410 shotgun for hunting and shooting at the range but it can also be a popular option for home defense.  This model is built on the reliable and predictable revolver pattern that has been popular for years. And the 410 gauge shells come in a variety of loads. You can get reduced recoil, slugs, buckshot, bird shot and many more options depending on your situation. For example, If you live in an apartment and are concerned about the shot going through your walls and possibly harming a neighbor, then you may want a low brass bird shot. This would be lethal for the first few feet. Then considerably less the more you increased the distance to the “target”. The 410 bore is popular because it has less recoil than a 12 Gauge. 


It looks like these guys had fun on the range with the Rev 410. It was easy to operate and functioned better than expected. You are limited to 5 shots per load but don’t you buy a revolver shotgun expecting high capacity. 

Who_Tee_Who puts out a new gun video everyday. Check his channel out here.

Check out Heavy Metal Guns & Outdoors Youtube Channel Here

To get more details or to buy the Rev 410 visit here.